Fucoidan 426 Summary: Fucoidan is one of the polysaccharides; it is known as a sulfated polysaccharide and is found in many varieties of brown seaweed. It is also found in the sea cucumber. There are 2 types of Fucoidan being researched at this time; F-fucoidan- which has sufated esters of fucose. The second type is U-fucoidan- which is made up of 20% glucuronic acid. They can now be found as diet supplements. The seaweed is found in several places, including Japan, Hawaii, Norway, and Tonga. M... Health,Wellness Fucoidan is one of the polysaccharides; it is known as a sulfated polysaccharide and is found in many varieties of brown seaweed. It is also found in the sea cucumber. There are 2 types of Fucoidan being researched at this time; F-fucoidan- which has sufated esters of fucose. The second type is U-fucoidan- which is made up of 20% glucuronic acid. They can now be found as diet supplements. The seaweed is found in several places, including Japan, Hawaii, Norway, and Tonga. Many Japanese eat this seaweed with beneficial results. In order to combat diseases like cancer, there has been a lot of research done to see how the body can be made stronger. Research has been going on with Fucoidan since 1970. There have been many exciting discoveries. Especial emphasis has been laid on the immune system. It is this system that allows the body to fight against disease, even terminating cells that have mutated. The body also eliminates toxins and poisons in the system. Toxins enter our systems through the air we breathe and the food and water we ingest. Due to environmental pollution, we are more at risk now than ever before. Fucoidan has been shown to help the body with cellular communication. This enables the body to function better and will enable the immune system to be more efficient. It has also been found to help with cell regeneration by helping to increase stem cells. It has been proven to help with many functions of the body. It enables the body to be stronger and resist diseases. It even helps our bodies fight cancer. As such it has been available as a diet supplement in Japan since 1997. The pharmaceutical industry has now developed gelceuticals. These are diet supplements that are gel based. They are made from whole foods, such as Fucoidan. They are easy to digest and are more efficient in this form. Fucoidan, found in brown seaweed, has received endorsement from the Hallal and Kosher associations. This has increased its demand among ethnic and even non-ethenic groups of people. Fucoidan is extracted from brown seaweed. This is grown on special seaweed farms in Japan and also grows naturally in cool temperate waters. It is also found in deep, cold ocean water. In fact, the species Ascophyllum nodosum can be found in the artic. Freshly cut floating plants are harvested as these have the least amount of pollution. With the growing amount of research being done on Fucoidan, more beneficial properties are being found, and we will find even more uses for this essential sugar.

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