Our Mission : To provide an ever evolving tool designed to provide accurate financial information to our clients to help them achieve maximum profitability.
About the Application : FoodFinancial is a web based application that will provide you with a complete system for your food service business.
Features :
•Over 1,200 pre-programmed ingredients with cost.
•Over 700 pre-programmed recipes with retail prices based
on a 25% food cost,which you can edit and add to at anytime.
Contract construction. Choose count of guests you will feed. Choose pre-loaded recipes. Click submit and watch the magic happen. All reports are instantly created
Prep sheets.
Example...You have 10 parties this weekend and 6/10 parties want potato salad. The prep sheet is created to show the total amount of potato salad needed and it will give a breakdown of how much to be sent to each party dependant on count of people.
Based on a 25 % food cost, which you can change to the food cost of your choice by adjusting the retail price. the food cost will automatically update.
Order guides.
Regardless of how many parties you choose to write an order for, with a click of a button on the calendar, an order guide is generated telling you exactly the amount of product (with breakdowns for each ingredient) you have to purchase for the selected parties.
Food costs.
By updating the ingredient costs or retail price of a recipe, the food cost will automatically update to the real ideal food cost of that recipe. Also if you change a recipe by increasing or decreasing how much of an ingredient is in a recipe, the food cost will update.
Food cost percent.
Food cost % is linked to the food cost and the retail price, so when you adjust the food cost the food cost % will update accordingly.
Inventories whether taken weekly, monthly or annually, are a vital component in knowing your true food cost, gross profit and ultimately your net profit. FoodFinancial provides you with an inventory worksheet that you print out to take your actual inventory. On this print out you can write any price changes and write your actual inventory numbers. The items are listed by category so you can set up your inventory to match your store room setup. Once you have taken your inventory, you then input it into FoodFinancial and a total inventory value will be calculated for you.
Financial reports. Know how much you are making and spending every minute.
Loading lists.
Print out a load list for each party when you have several parties you have prepped for and the cooler is full. The load list will tell you the # of pans (and size) that need to go to each party broken down by menu item. Back to our example of ten parties this week, as you prep for the week each container will have a label to identify who gets what. The load sheet will tell you per party how many of each item goes to that party, you simply check off each item as it is loaded onto the truck. This is just a check and balance to ensure you have everything you need for a specific job.
Contract calendar.
The calendar allows you to choose multiple parties and/or days for prep sheets and order guides.
Real time per person pricing. See real time per person price changes as you add items to a party.
Customer contract.
Choose number of guests you need to feed. Choose pre-loaded recipes. Click submit and watch the magic happen. All reports are instantly created. This allows you to print a nicely formatted contract to send to your customer. Complete with customer information, menu, add on items such as rentals, pricing, automatic deposit and guarantee count dates. You can either print and mail or email contract to your clients right from the contract page.
and much much more.....
Benefits : Increased Profitability
Screenshots : Click any screenshot below to enlarge
main page
add / edit contract menu items
create / edit a contract
add a new recipe
financial report
food cost report
inventory report
bulk inventory updater
load sheet report
shopping list report
Technical Info: The FoodFinancial application is hosted in a top tier data center located in the USA. The network is powered by high-speed Cisco cores, with built-in redundancy with an emphasis on stability and performance.
The data center features redundant power, HVAC, and fire detection systems and are monitored 24/7. We ensure that your data is 100% secured with the latest server patches and security. FoodFinancial guarantees 99.9% server/application uptime.